Achieving Innovative Growth is like going on a journey, that will be distinct for each and every business.
The Innovation Journey
A successful journey requires you to understand your starting point ‘A’, to declare the desired destination, point ‘B’, and to develop the innovation capabilities ‘C’ needed to get there.
We clearly map out the phases of the innovation journey, providing a no-nonsense guide for senior managers and also the employees and other external collaborators who will be making this journey.
This guidebook takes you through five integrated phases: Shaping innovation strategy; Organizing for the journey; Developing deep insights and novel solutions; Selecting projects to implement; and Getting innovations to market. At each phase the processes that make innovation possible and, crucially, the mindsets needed to make it happen, are brought to light.
The end of the first innovation journey marks the transition to the next stage of growth. Therefore, Phase 6, focuses on enhancing your capability to innovate, time and time again.
The book is designed around:
- Clear phases and checklists for management actions
- Key tools with detailed guidance for practical use
- Essential background explains how tools evolved
- Logical, double-page layout with navigation tabs
- The impact of mindsets on innovation is explained
Includes 24 international case studies—such as Red Ventures (USA), Patagonia (USA), Svensson (Sweden), Pinarello (Italy), Diageo (EU), SoftBank Robotics (France) and DCC (Ireland). These insightful cases demonstrate how Innovative Growth really happens.